Filipinos in Kyoto


07-28-2005, 12:11 AM

Hi I’m a new member and have just recently moved in to Kyoto to join my fiancee who’s Japanese. Mayroon bang Filipino restaurant dito or Filipino store (Kyoto). Dati akong nakatira sa Geneva, Switzerland kung saan ako nag-aral at kalilipat ko lang dito. Ngayon ay medyo malungkot ako dito because of the language barrier, lack of people I can talk to and I guess culture shock. You know, when you lose the comfort of seeing a recognizable faces in a language you understand or when you walk the streets and are able to understand what’s going on, what’s written in the ads, what that lady is scolding her son for and so on… I guess I need to feel the comfort of my countrymen…

Salamat po.:o


07-28-2005, 10:54 AM

hi betong,

welcome to Kyoto. I live here at Nishijin.Yes there are plenty of Japanese restaurants here. Filipino groups too. Every Sunday they gather at Saiin Catholic Church. The group is composed of housewives married to japanese, scholars,talents,pro fessionals, trainees etc.

Hope to see you there.


07-28-2005, 02:34 PM

Hi dglobetreker!
Salamat sa reply. So, I guess there aren’t any Filipino restaurants About going to church I am not really a church goer. I have fatih in God but not in religion…
Are there any other gatherings happening other than that Sunday church one?


07-28-2005, 04:39 PM

hi betong at dglobetreker!
sa tingin ko wala yata Filipoino gathering other than in saiin church. meron yata restaurant along gion, chicken manila, their no. 075-525-5202.

sino kaba dglobetreker? kilala yata kita ha…



07-28-2005, 05:24 PM

Chiken Manila is a good place. Meron sila tabehodai na mura lang at me banda pa na mostly pinoy. Well am just suggesting the Saiin Church for you to meet Filipinos. Ok lang not to go to the mass. From there you will sure meet other pinoy na pumupunta don not necesarily for the mass but to meet our kababayans. Give it a try. :slight_smile:


07-28-2005, 08:11 PM

Soryy to butt in. :slight_smile: Hello betong and welcome to Timog Forum. Looks like you’ve found other Kyoto residents here in Timog. Okay gotta go… Please continue the converstaion guys. :slight_smile:


07-28-2005, 10:20 PM

Saan ba itong Saiin church or the Chicken Manila restaurant. I will give it a try. Live band sounds really cool. I really miss that.


07-28-2005, 10:36 PM

a big welcme to timog forum betong, dglobetreker, and minamiboy!
make yourself at home, mababait ang mga tao dito:).

marami rin pala kayo dyan. when my family and i visited kyoto two years ago
wala talaga akong nakitang filipino kahit isa:(.


07-28-2005, 10:42 PM

next time you drop by at Kyoto you can visit me us.


07-28-2005, 10:51 PM

next time you drop by at Kyoto you can visit me us.

you betcha:D. i’ve heard that maganda raw dyan pag autumn. it was summer when we went there, and it was terribly hot.:eek:


07-29-2005, 02:27 PM

betong hi!umpisa lang na ganyan ang magiging pakiramdam mo pero masasanay rin po kayo dito.'wag kayo malungkot marami po kayong makakausap dito sa forum natin:)log in ka lang.


07-30-2005, 02:52 PM

Salamat Honey. The thing is hindi pa ako siguro kung ano talaga ang ginagawa ko dito. Like the country, the food, the people, the technology… Pero there are things that seem to be beyond comprehension for an alien like me. I’ve read some of the threads in this forum and have the impression that people seem to be able to adapt to life here in Japan. But everything seems very alien to me. The language, huge barrier. The way of thinking, not really too clear to me.
One other thing that I realized here is that it’s hard to get some peace. As some of my japanese friends say - Nihon urusai. It actually is a book n(tittle of said book - Nihon urusai). I have lived in Europe for a long, long time and walking around here, at first, I just couldn’t find what was missing. Then I realized what it was. Peace. It’s funny that the Japanese known for their Zen buddhism (especially Kyoto) can hardly have any. No wonder that they have to go on holiday to other countries or to Hokkaido or Okinawa to get some well needed peace (space, time). Walking down the river side here in Kyoto (the Kamogawa) you notice how dirty the water and the surroundings are. I followed the river to the northernmost part and what do I see - rubbish. It’s concrete, plastic bags, tin cans and just rubbish everywhere. Where have the Japanese with their Zen Garden esthetics gone. What happened to the Japanese who love their cherry blossoms, their mountains, the ones who would write Hiaku’s on the beauty of nature. Where is the greenery?
And what about holidays. Two words. Golden week. Is that all they have here. When I was working, I had at least 5 weeks (25 working days) of holiday per year. Here is it one, two weeks. And, I’ve been told, it’s even impolite to actually ask for the holidays you are intittled to.
Somebody said that the Japanese progressed so much by giving everything up for the sake of the economy. Nature, quality of life included. I give a lot of value on quality of life. And I think that working for the sake of working is not the kind of life that people should be living.
Well, I am not trying to belittle this country. It’s not that simple. There are lots of things I like about it but still there are lots of things I just don’t understand.
Sorry, just venting out some heat…


07-30-2005, 03:10 PM

Japan will always be a mistery unless you spend time and discover its inner beauties.


07-30-2005, 04:31 PM

Inner beauty like that Asience commercial?
Inner beauty as in - look at how sick the society we are in now that people meet thru the net to commit suicide together. Children kill their parents. Children bombing their schools, killing their classmates. Old men publicly professing their liking of young little girls. Copping a feel in crowded trains and the victims not complaining so as to ve the face of the perpetrators. Inner beauty there surely is but something wrong is in there as well. Ying and yang. Well, hope there is less of the black in the white.
Should we idealize the new place we found, the new Zion. To appreciate something fully we must also look at the bad side. We can’t taste the sweet without the bitter. Bittersweet life. Well, I’m hoping for more sweet.

Sorry, just currently have a lot of free time. Am I using to much of this free time to think. I don’t know, soul searching, looking for the meaning of life (of mine anyway).


07-30-2005, 04:58 PM

You know, like any other place in the world - Japan has its share of good and bads - you’d really need to ask yourself if this is the place for you - Because if you don’t feel it - I’m am sure life in thsi troubled land will be what it was - a mess.

I do not know how long you have lived here - or whether the you have a community of people around you that would show you the inner beauty I refer to. But like wine - it takes time - Sumasarap habang tumatagal. People - Family. thats the inner beauty I point my fingers at.



07-30-2005, 05:25 PM


hello betong, welcome to timog forum.

when i took my japanese lessons ages ago, the guidance counsellor at the school told me many foreigners who come to japan experience 4 stages of adjustment. first comes the culture shock, then comes the disillusionment. you’re probably on this stage.

now, if you stay long enough, you will get to accept how the japanese do things, how the system works. that’s the third: understanding and acceptance. and then, with understanding comes appreciation, the last stage.

this takes several years at least and a certain level of japanese language. you really can’t expect to appreciate japan by living here for a few months. and it takes a certain attitude to do this. a sort of zen-like acceptance of how the way things are. understanding japan, i believe, is doing things the japanese way.

there are bad things of course, but if you focus on these, you’ll not appreciate the “inner beauty” of japan, as v wrangler suggests. friendly advice. hope this helps.


07-31-2005, 11:33 AM

Yes I know that I have a lot of adjustment issues. I stage myself in Anger now. I was once in Denial, then in Depression and now I think I am in Anger.

My japanese fiancee is currently pregnant. She is working in three places as a counsellor and has just recently learned that she can’t keep her job because she is pregnant. So they’re just waiting for her to resign so that the company can just resume their ol business.

I find this very unfair. In a country that has a declining birthrate. This kind of attitude towards mothers is no way of answering the problem.

Hard. Hard. Hard.


08-01-2005, 08:44 PM

I find this very unfair. In a country that has a declining birthrate. This kind of attitude towards mothers is no way of answering the is unfair. :slight_smile:

her boss probably couldn’t care less about japan’s population problem anyway. i haven’t met a japanese who really cares, except to moan about their pension plans.

i agree, the way things are sometimes sucks. and there’s probably nothing we can do about it (“shoganai” as they say in japanese). ganbatte.


05-19-2008, 10:43 PM

Hay naky pre, we’re on the same boat here. I moved from New York City to Japan a year ago with my Japanese wife and now one year old son. Im starting to get very disillusioned with this country, specially in terms of the social support given to families. My wife is pregnant with our second baby, and was just told by her employer that she can no longer work once her belly start showing.

But after spending my six years life savings in the US, for all the moving costs and stuff, Im not giving up the fight just as yet. Moving 10 bag full of luggages from one country to another is no way a fun thing to do. Kaya tyaga muna ng konti, hopefully things will turn out fine for us here.


05-24-2008, 03:20 PM

Hi dglobetreker!
Salamat sa reply. So, I guess there aren’t any Filipino restaurants About going to church I am not really a church goer. I have fatih in God but not in religion…
Are there any other gatherings happening other than that Sunday church one?
May Filipino restaurant po around Gion in Kyoto sabi po ng pinsan ko, dati kasi syang nakatira sa Kyoto. Goodluck po!


06-07-2008, 11:06 PM

good day po sa inyo! i also live here in kyoto for almost eight months. medyo nslulungkot din me kasi konti pa lang kakilala ko na filipinos. I even went to osaka just to buy filipino foods sa kaluguran store! i hope to meet other filipinos dito sa kyoto. thanks po!!


06-08-2008, 09:38 PM

hello hodarie1822,

kumusta ka he he…bating pinoy…I’m from Kyoto din po…
SAn po ba place mo?Yorushiku Onegaishimasu…


06-14-2008, 11:47 AM

Magandang araw uragon san! Mas pinoy di ba? Okay naman me dito sa Kyoto kahit konti pa lang mga kaibigan ko dito. Sa Matsuobashi ako. Ikaw saan ka dito? San ka work?


07-01-2008, 02:01 PM

gud a newbie here in tf and also in japan. im staying in yamashina in kyoto. i wanted to have friends here. email nyo po ako para makapagkwentuhan tyo. m (femmy_steff@yahoo.c om) tnx in advance… godbless


07-01-2008, 03:04 PM


good thing you found this thread… :slight_smile:
eto ung sinasabi ko na merong Filipino resto round Gion.

Aug 7 we will be passing by Kyoto…
we maybe staying until 7PM…
tatambay muna sa Gion to shoot maikosans. :stuck_out_tongue:
then on our way to Osaka…

hope you could pass by Chicken Manila for some reviews.
and post em here. Enjoy your stay in Kyoto! Best place in Japan! :smiley:


07-02-2008, 02:19 AM

gud a newbie here in tf and also in japan. im staying in yamashina in kyoto. i wanted to have friends here. email nyo po ako para makapagkwentuhan tyo. m (femmy_steff@yahoo.c om) tnx in advance… godbless

Hi femmy,
Welcome sa Kyoto:D
Madalas akong dumadaan sa Yamashina dahil sa Yamashina nakatira yung kumpare ko. Baka sakaling by chance na magkita tayo sa daan ay kawayan na lang OK :wave:
Sana mag enjoy ka dito sa Kyoto.


07-02-2008, 12:52 PM

Hi femmy,
Welcome sa Kyoto:D
Madalas akong dumadaan sa Yamashina dahil sa Yamashina nakatira yung kumpare ko. Baka sakaling by chance na magkita tayo sa daan ay kawayan na lang OK :wave:
Sana mag enjoy ka dito sa Kyoto.
tlga? malapit kami sa may friendly family resto. cge kawayan nlang kita pag napadaan ka d2. hehehe

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