The Art of Hover-Pissing


12-06-2004, 09:49 PM

To any woman who has encountered the disgusting gas station toilet, the dive bar waste-hole or the airport restroom - complete with the scattered remains of indigestable airplane food - let me say that I understand your horror and disgust.

What can be done about it, you may ask yourself as you begrudgingly take a seat to urinate? Though there is nothing that may rectify the literal filth of the experience, there is something you can do for yourself and for the well-being of your ass.

It’s called the Hover-Piss.

The whole article is here (

Ito rin ang nakakainis sa Pinas, maduming public toilet. At walang toilet paper!!! Hindi mo tuloy maiwasang mag Hover-s__t kung minsan. (May nakagawa ng ba nito sa inyo?) :lol:

Bakit hindi tayo kumuha ng parang public toilet sa Japan?!


12-07-2004, 10:47 PM

Hmmm, a very informative article. :slight_smile: I totally agree with you on the Japanese-style toilet. We should have that in the public rest rooms in the Philippines. At endless supply ng toiet papers!


12-09-2004, 07:26 PM

Unfortunately, kahit sa mga public rest rooms ng Japan, nawawala na rin ang mga Japanese-style na toilet. Mukhang mas maaksaya ito sa tubig kaysa ordinaryong Western-style toilets at nahihirapan ang mga senior citizens sa paggamit. Fortunately, hindi mo na kailangang mag-hover-pissing dahil bihira lang naman ang maduduming toilet kahit sa ordinaryong 7-Eleven. Kung minsan, meron pang sheets para sa toilet seat.

This is an archived page from the former Timog Forum website.