The English translation of Uketsu’s mystery novel Strange Pictures is out

Uketsu (雨穴), the strange, masked Japanese Youtuber who may or may not be a serial killer in real life seems like a good mystery/horror writer, too.

His book Strange Pictures (変な絵 Henna e) is out in English, to great reviews.

From the New York Times:

STRANGE PICTURES (HarperVia, 236 pp., paperback, $17.99), the first of Uketsu’s novels to be translated into English, is a labyrinthine and multilayered horror mystery, full of cryptic images, about a series of deaths. The book opens with two college students in Tokyo reading a sad, abandoned blog that chronicles a portion of a man’s life. The blog is filled with personal details, including entries about the man finding out that he’s going to be a father and posts about the death of the man’s wife during labor. It also features mysterious drawings by the man’s wife. The students are convinced these drawings contain secrets and work to unravel them.