DMW Advisory No.3 Series of 2022: Implementation of the Expanded Compulsory Insurance for Rehires and Direct Hires and Enhanced Insurance Coverage

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In pursuit of further improving the standard of protection and promotion of the welfare of Overseas Filipino Workers, particularly during the current global health emergency crisis due to Covid-19, the following policy pronouncements were issued to extend, expand and strengthen social protection through enhance insurance coverage for Rehires and Direct Hires:

  1. Department Order No. 228, Series of 2021 (Expanded Compulsory Insurance Coverage for Rehires and Direct Hires) issued on 03 November 2021 by the Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

  2. Memorandum Circular No. 10, Series of 2022 (Guidelines Implementing DOLE Department Order No. 222, Series of 2021), issued on 07 March 2022 by the POEA Administrator.

In line with the aforementioned policy issuances, the public is hereby advised that the following insurance providers have already been accredited by the Insurance Commission to provide enhanced insurance coverage, as follows:

Non-Life Insurance Company Partner Life Insurance Company
1. Paramount Life and General Insurance (Composite Insurance)
2. Fortune General Insurance Corporation Fortune Life Insurance Company Inc
3. Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation Pioneer Life Inc
4. MAPFRE Insular Insurance Corporation Insular Life Assurance Company Ltd
5. UCPB General Insurance Company Inc. United Coconut Planters Life Assurance Corporation
6. Stronghold Insurance Philippine Life Financial Assurance Corporation
7. Philippine British Assurance Company Inc United Coconut Planters Life Assurance Corporation

For the information and guidance of all concerned.

Abdullah D Mama-O

18 April 2022

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DMW-ADVISORY-03-2022.pdf (119.4 KB)