Filipinos in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

Filipinos in Hiroshima Prefecture have a registered population of 8,417 individuals as of 2022, the 11th largest group of Filipinos in Japan by prefecture, ahead of Mie and behind Gunma.[1]

Major cities

The Filipino population in Hiroshima Prefecture is concentrated in the cities along the coast of Seto Inland Sea across from the island of Shikoku.[1:1]

The largest populations of Filipinos in Hiroshima Prefecture are found in Hiroshima City with 2,216 residents, Fukuyama with 1,505, Onomichi with 1,207 and Kure with 936.[1:2]

Cities of Hiroshima Prefecture with sizable Filipino population.[1:3][2] Darker color indicates higher population.

Hiroshima Prefecture

Hiroshima Prefecture (広島県, Hiroshima-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūgoku region of Honshu. It has a population of 2,811,410 (1 June 2019) and has a geographic area of 8,479 km². Hiroshima Prefecture borders Okayama Prefecture to the east, Tottori Prefecture to the northeast, Shimane Prefecture to the north, and Yamaguchi Prefecture to the southwest.[3]

To the south, across the Seto Inland Sea, is Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku.[3:1]

Hiroshima Prefecture’s main industries are automobile production (Mazda has its headquarters here) and tourism in two World Heritage Sites: the A-Bomb dome and Itsukushima Shrine.[3:2]

Hiroshima is the capital and largest city, and the largest city in the Chūgoku region, with other major cities including Fukuyama, Kure, and Higashihiroshima.[3:3]

Map of Japan with Hiroshima Prefecture in red.[4]

Population by city and town

Filipinos are found in all cities and towns of Hiroshima Prefecture (there are no villages).[1:4]

City or town 2022 2021
All 8,417 7,254
Hiroshima 2,216 2,071
Fukuyama 1,505 1,278
Onomichi 1,207 923
Kure 936 750
Mihara 589 494
Higashihiroshima 479 420
Hatsukaichi 237 224
Miyoshi 196 191
Etajima 166 149
Kaita Town 138 127
Fuchū 117 92
Takehara 110 84
Akitakata 106 77
Shōbara 80 79
Fuchū Town 56 49
Kumano Town 52 45
Ōsakikamijima Town 52 42
Ōtake 38 30
Jinsekikōgen Town 37 32
Saka Town 32 28
Kitahiroshima Town 30 27
Sera Town 29 33
Akiōta Town 9 9

Historical population

Hiroshima Prefecture has seen an almost constant, if relatively modest, rise of its Filipino population, with occasional small falls.

Population of Filipinos in Hiroshima Prefecture and Tokyo from 1984 up to present.[5][6]

People, news and events

A Filipino man is arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving resulting in injury after he was driving at 88km/h on a prefectural road in Hiroshima City, causing an accident and then hitting a man on the sidewalk. (February 2025)[7]

A Filipino office worker (40) is referred to prosecutors for driving a pedal-equipped moped without a license. The moped also did not have rearview mirrors, turn signals, or a license plate, which are required by law, and did not have compulsory automobile liability insurance. (August 2024)[8]

Ambassador Mylene J. Garcia-Albano, together with officials from the Philippine Consulate General in Osaka led by Consul General Voltaire D. Mauricio, mets the Filipino community leaders in Hiroshima City to discuss various topics of interest to the community. (June 2023)[9]

The very first consular mission for Filipinos in Hiroshima City is held through the cooperation of Philippine Consulate General in Osaka, Japan, and the Hiroshima Filipino Association (HFA), a nonprofit volunteer group. (November 2014)[10]


  1. 第3表 市区町村別 国籍・地域別 在留外国人 (Table 3: Foreign Residents by City, Ward, Town, Village and by Nationality/Region. 3 December 2022) (XLSX). e-Stat政府統計の総合窓口. Immigration Services Agency of Japan (7 July 2023). Retrieved 13 December 2023. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Cities of Hiroshima Prefecture with sizable Filipino population. © reon ( CC-BY-SA-3.0. Original graphic © lincun (Wikipedia Commons) CC-BY-SA-3.0. Data used: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. ↩︎

  3. Hiroshima Prefecture. Wikipedia contributors. Wikipedia. Retrieved 18 December 2023. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Map of Japan with Hiroshima Prefecture in red. © lincun (Wikipedia Commons) CC-BY-SA-3.0. Data used: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan. ↩︎

  5. 都道府県別 国籍(出身地)別 外国人登録者 (Registered Foreigners by Prefecture and Nationality (Place of Birth) 1984 to 2023) e-Stat政府統計の総合窓口. Immigration Services Agency of Japan. Retrieved 18 December 2023. No available data for the years 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991 and 1993. ↩︎

  6. Population of Filipinos in Hiroshima and Tokyo. © reon ( CC-BY-SA-3.0. ↩︎

  7. 速度38キロオーバーの危険運転で事故起こしひき逃げか フィリピン国籍の男を逮捕・広島市 Filipino man arrested in Hiroshima for dangerous driving at 38km over the speed limit and hit-and-run accident. Hiroshima Telecasting. 19 February 2025. Retrieved 20 February 2025. ↩︎

  8. 「ペダル付き原動機付自転車」を無免許運転 フィリピン国籍の男 書類送検 広島県内では初の摘発 Filipino man indicted for driving ‘pedal-equipped moped’ without license; first case in Hiroshima Prefecture. FNN Prime Online. 13 August 2024. Retrieved 22 August 2024. ↩︎

  9. Philippine Ambassador Garcia-Albano Meets the Filipino Community Leaders in Hiroshima. Embassy of the Philippines, Tokyo. 17 June 2023. Retrived 23 December 2023. ↩︎

  10. Outreach in Hiroshima. Chat Seki, Philippine Daily Inquirer. 30 November 2014. Retrieved 22 August 2024. ↩︎